About Montessori Care
What is Montessori for Ageing and Dementia?
Montessori for the elderly and people with dementia is a care philosophy that places great emphasis on facilitating the environment so that the people can be active in their own everyday life with things they like.
Through everything we do, we facilitate to accommodate different skill levels and support memory loss and sensory impairment. Furthermore, we want to contribute to as high a degree of independence as possible.
The aim is that the elderly and people with dementia should be able to take the best possible care of themselves, be able to do something for others, be able to contribute to the community and be able to participate in meaningful activities on a daily basis.
It's about being active and independent in your own life, as much as possible and for as long as possible.
The care philosophy is based on Maria Montessori's philosophical and educational principles. She was a highly recognized and highly valued Italian doctor and educator. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times and also adorns Italian banknotes.
Her philosophy is widespread throughout the world and embraces the whole person, in all ages.
Central to the philosophy is knowing the individual and meeting the individual's interests, needs and wishes in such a way that the person can live to their highest potential. - Everything at your own pace and based on your own choices.
Furthermore, it is about helping the person to be able to do things themselves based on their prerequisites and skills. Independence provides a sense of mastery, strength, control and satisfaction. And not least, it contributes to a positive self-image and a good sense of self.

The people

Elisabeth Rydland
is a qualified assistant professor and cand.mag at the Teacher Training College in Oslo.
She is a certified Montessori educator through The Institute of Educational Studies and is certified in "Montessori for Aging and Dementia" by Assosiation Montessori International and Brush Development."
For over 30 years, she has worked as a Montessori teacher and special teacher for children and young people of all ages...

Carolyn Magnussen
holds Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
Montessori 0-6 certification from St. Nicholas.
a Montessori Pedagogy Certificate from The institute of Educational Studies.
Carolyn lives with her husband i Oslo...